
We aim to create positive outcomes for society while generating sustainable cash flows for our shareholders.

As a responsible, long-term investor, good environmental, social and governance (ESG) practices are central to how we manage our portfolio.

We have developed a three-pillar ESG framework, along with key metrics so we can track our progress and report openly and transparently to our stakeholders. Our ESG targets include achieving net zero by 2045.

Key statistics at 31 December 2023

Tenant regulatory ratings
(good or better)1


Carbon emissions intensity
(KgCO2 per m2)2


Scope 1 & 2 carbon emissions


EPC B or above
(English equivalent)4


  1. Percentage of homes rated good or better by the Care Quality Commission or equivalent in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
  2. Scope 3 relates to CO2 emissions from downstream leased assets.
  3. Scope 1 and 2 relate to the Investment Manager’s CO2 emissions.
  4. Energy Performance Certificate ratings based on English and Wales equivalent.

Creating social value is intrinsic to our business. With an ageing population, care homes for the elderly are a critical part of the UK’s health infrastructure. They play an increasingly vital role in preventing hospital admissions in the first place and helping to free up hospital beds by taking patients awaiting discharge. We work in partnership with our tenants to enable high-quality care for their residents, that remains affordable for the long term.

At the same time, we engage with our tenants to identify and deliver opportunities to reduce the environmental impact of the portfolio and ensure it is resilient to climate change.

Our ESG framework

Click on a pillar to see our objectives, how we intend to reach those objectives and the metrics we’ll use to measure our progress.

Each pillar also contributes to one or more of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Pillar 1

Strategic investment in our portfolio to improve our environmental impact

Pillar 2

Having a positive impact on the people living and working in our homes

Pillar 3

Robust governance and transparent reporting to all stakeholders


Latest sustainability report

Download our latest sustainability report and our other ESG-related reports.




2023 Sustainability Report and EPRA Best Practices Report
Download PDF
2022 EPRA Sustainability Best Practices Peformance Report
Download PDF
2022 Task Force on Climate Related Financial Disclosures
Download PDF
2022 Annual Impact Assessment
Download PDF
2021 EPRA Sustainability Best Practices Peformance Report
Download PDF
2020 EPRA Sustainability Best Practices Peformance Report
Download PDF
2020 EPRA Annual Report survey
Download PDF
2019 EPRA Sustainability Best Practice Recommendations
Download PDF




Environmental Social and Governance policy
Download PDF
Supplier Code of Conduct
Download PDF

Pillar 1: Strategic investment in our portfolio to improve our environmental impact

Our objectives

Ensure all assets achieve a minimum of EPC Grade C by 2026 and a minimum of B by 2030

Ensure our portfolio is net zero by 2045

Ensure our portfolio is resilient to climate change

How we do it

Investing in assets that are highly energy efficient or have the potential to be with further capex

Modelling the carbon footprint of the portfolio and implementing our net zero strategy and plan

Investing in asset management projects to improve energy efficiency

Climate change scenario planning


Percentage of assets with EPC of C or higher

Number of assets with improved EPC

Carbon intensity of portfolio in kg CO2e/m2/year

Embodied carbon associated with developments and extensions

Percentage of assets with green leases

Absolute carbon emissions

UN SDG alignment

Aligned with the following UN Sustainable Development Goals:


Pillar 2: Having a positive impact on the people living and working in our homes

Our objectives

Support health and well-being of vulnerable people

Ensure access to quality and value for money care, for both the publicly funded and private-pay sectors

How we do it

Investing in quality buildings and actively monitoring care provider performance

Developing close partnerships with operators through formal and informal engagement

Conducting detailed due diligence on long-term need for care

Maintaining balance of private and publicly funded residents


Tenant satisfaction survey results

Affordability of rental payments to tenants

Proportion of publicly funded and private-pay residents

Independent impact report

CQC ratings

UN SDG alignment

Aligned with the following UN Sustainable Development Goals:


Pillar 3: Robust governance and transparent reporting to all stakeholders

Our objectives

Be transparent with all stakeholders

Maintain robust corporate governance

Proactively listen and engage with stakeholders

How we do it

Providing clear disclosures on operational performance

Maintaining a supplier code of conduct and anti-money laundering and bribery policies

Managing the business in accordance with our Environmental, Social and Governance policy

Engage with tenants on good governance practices


Investment Manager’s UN PRI submission

EPRA sustainability rating

UN SDG alignment

Aligned with the following UN Sustainable Development Goals: