
We believe strongly in good corporate governance because it is an important contributor to making decisions that will benefit all our stakeholders.

We follow the AIC Code of Corporate Governance. This is a sensible set of principles, based on the UK Corporate Governance Code but adapted to the specific circumstances of externally managed investment companies. In 2023, we complied with all its principles and provisions.

Gender diversity

Board tenure

The Board roles and biographies can be found here.

Board Committees


Audit committee

Management engagement committee

Nomination committee

Remuneration committee

Simon Laffin

Rosemary Boot (SID)
Amanda Aldridge
Cedi Fredrick
Chris Santer

Audit committee

The Audit Committee oversees the Company’s financial reporting process, including the risk management and internal financial controls and compliance with the various regulatory requirements.

Audit committee terms of reference

Management engagement committee

The Management Engagement Committee reviews the performance of the Investment Manager and the Company’s other service providers.


Management engagement committee terms of reference

Nomination committee

The Nomination Committee reviews the composition of the Board and ensures the Board has the right mix of skills, experience and knowledge to achieve our strategic objectives.

Nomination committee terms of reference

Remuneration committee

The Remuneration Committee reviews and monitors our remuneration policy for Board members.


Remuneration committee terms of reference

Key governance documents

SID - role and responsibilities 20.2.24
Download PDF
Matters reserved for the board 28.7.17
Download PDF
Chair - role and responsibilities 20.2.24
Download PDF

Other documents

Articles of Association
Download PDF
Impact Supplier Code of Conduct 11.08.20
Download PDF

For Company reports, results presentations and other investor documents see reporting centre.